Welcome to the Real Estate Agent Superstars Podcast!
Real Estate Agent Superstars

I'm RJ Baxter, your out of the box lender with your Saturday strategy. Before I get into the strategy this. Week, I just wanted to wish each and every one of you a happy holidays and happy new year. I so appreciate your support watching the Saturday strategy video each week. So thank you. So to start off the strategy this Week, I want to share with you a story about what's happening in my own business. And I don't mean this toot my own horn or to brag or anything. I've just been doing some basic stuff and it's led to results heading into 2024. What I've been doing is calling my past client database super simple and I'm just calling them up and touching bases and wishing everyone a happy holidays, not asking for the business, anything like that. And it's led to conversations. I've called 225 people the past two weeks. I've had 52 conversations and it's led to eleven opportunities between now and April, 11. Opportunities to close another transaction, to help another family, to do some business. 

So just this basic activity and getting after it during a time when a lot of people are taking a break has led to some things that can cause some momentum heading into 2024.  So I just wanted to share that as a strategy. 

Reach out to your past clients. I mean, it's not too late. I'm recording this right before Christmas, but you can call them the week after Christmas and wish them a happy new year in those first two weeks of January and just touch bases and it leads to conversations. It's as simple as that. And if you're looking for a great client database strategy to stay in touch with your past clients, provide them value, and to continue those connections that leads to more business. Check out my podcast that's being published on Christmas Day with Donna enert of Exp Realty. She has an awesome annual review strategy that she's been implementing for years that's been a huge needle mover in her business. So I highly recommend checking out that awesome interview with Donna. So once again, Merry Christmas to all of you. 

I really appreciate each and every one of you. My name is RJ Baxter, intercap lending. Let me know if you need anything this weekend. I'm definitely paying attention. If you happen to be out showing homes and come across a buyer that's crazy enough to look during Christmas weekend, I'm here for you and have a great rest of your day. Thanks a lot for watching. 

RJ Baxter
Intercap Lending
NMLS #395819