Welcome to the Real Estate Agent Superstars Podcast!
Real Estate Agent Superstars

Good morning. RJ Baxter here from Intercap lending with your Saturday strategy. Wanted to start off by letting you all know how grateful I am for each and every one of you for being a part of my business and for watching my videos every Saturday. I hope you guys find them useful and helpful building your business. And I wanted to share a really good one for you for this month, especially being now we're in Thanksgiving month, and this is the month where a lot of us celebrate gratitude towards the people in our life, in our business, the things in our life that bring us joy. And this is a great reason to reach out to our sphere and just let them know how grateful you are for them. Let them know how much you appreciate them. 

This is something that I started this week with Wednesday being November 1. Wednesday is the day that I call my past clients. And it was just an appreciation phone call. And on a lot of my calls to past clients, I'll ask for referrals. Do you have any friends, family, or coworkers looking to buy, sell, or refinance? But these calls are just appreciation calls. I'm just calling to let them know how much I appreciate them for being a part of my business. And every one of these phone calls was awesome. People love to feel appreciated and to hear that and to hear the genuineness, if that's a word, of that, appreciation towards them. So I wanted to share that strategy for you. 

A lot of people I talk to struggle with a reason to call your past clients or your sphere, and the appreciation phone call is one of the best ones you can possibly do. Because as professionals, we all appreciate our sphere and our clients and for them being a part of our business and helping us to build a successful business. So that's my strategy for this week. I hope that helps you out and I hope you have a great weekend. Give me a call if you need anything. I'm always here for you to answer your questions or to help you get some buyers pre approved. Once again, my name is RJ Baxter, Intercap Lending. Have a great day. 

RJ Baxter
Intercap Lending
NMLS #395819