Happy Thanksgiving!
First, I wanted you to know I'm thankful for you! It's always fun to continue to educate and thank you for giving me that platform (for 19 years!)!
That said, this week I'm looking to warn you of a common (and very costly!) mistake people make while holiday shopping!
If you've ever been offered to save 10-25% off your purchase by opening up a new store credit card, can it be a "problem?"
The real question though, is what does this do to your credit?
In this week's tip, I'm going to cover it! Please check out this week's Tip Of The Week for more detail!
RJ Baxter
Branch Manager
303-670-0137 – Direct/Text
720-398-3314 – Fax
165 S. Union Blvd #400
Lakewood, CO 80228