Good morning. RJ Baxter here with Intercap lending with your Saturday strategy. Hope you guys all had an awesome Thanksgiving with friends and family. Let's get into the strategy this week. And this week I wanted to share with you an awesome business planning strategy that I learned from my coaching group here recently. It's called the 30 day business plan. And this is a really good one because it helps to focus in on a few things that can really move the needle for you in your business. Sometimes with business planning, it's easy to do a huge in depth, super complicated plan that you're never going to implement because it's just too much. So this one really breaks it down into actionable items that you can get done quickly and really get some momentum going into next year.
And don't forget about last week's strategy if you didn't watch it. One of the big things this time of year is to take advantage of market share, get out there and take action, make phone calls, meet with people. That's the kind of thing that's going to get the ball rolling and plant the seeds to have a strong winner going into January here. But business planning is important. So let's talk about the 30 Day Business plan. So this has six steps. So get out a piece of paper, write them down. I'm going to put them in the description for this video as well, so you can reference them. But step number one is to identify the one or two things that you want to work on in your business.
Now this is really key because again, going back to the overwhelming business plan, it's easy to come up with 15 2030 things that you want to work on in your business because there's so many things all the time that we can improve and that we can work on. But what are those one or two things that are really going to move the needle? The things that are the most important things in your business that are going to bring in more business going into 2024. So write those one or two things down. That's the first thing. The next one number, step number two is what are the three steps on each of those items that you have to take in order to implement those couple of things?
What are the three things you need to do over the next 30 days to make those two things happen? Number three is what is your non negotiable? What is that thing that you aren't willing to give up? It has to happen. Whether it's a habit that you have in your business. Like in my business, I call specific lists of people for 2 hours every day with the intention of building, of bringing in more warm referrals. Whatever it is, it could be something personal, it could be working out in the morning, it could be going on date night with your spouse, whatever that non negotiable is. That's number three on the 30 day business plan. Number four is what is one skill that you want to develop? What is one skill that you want to develop?
So something new that you want to develop within yourself or within your business, on what you're doing. The next thing is number five is one technology that you want to implement. Maybe it's that AI technology that you've been looking at. Maybe it's getting your stuff off a spreadsheet and into an actual database or CRM program and getting that going. Maybe it's using a program like I'm using right now, bomb and getting some video stuff going in the new year, whatever. It is one technology that you're going to implement in the next 30 days, and then the last is what is one thing that you are never going to do again.
This is perhaps the most challenging one, and especially if you don't have a lot of help in your business, or you don't have an assistant or a transaction coordinator, think about what is one thing that's maybe bogging you down or that you just hate doing or you're not very good at it. These are the kinds of things that you can put on this 30 day business plan to never do again. So that's the 6th item. So if you look at this business plan, these six steps, these are things that are doable, they're digestible. They're things that you can take action on in the next 30 days so that you can quickly ramp things up going into January.
And on top of it, going back to last week again, continue to do those daily activities when a lot of people are taking a break right now and not doing anything. So I hope that helps you out a little bit of a longer strategy this week. If you have anyone you come across this weekend, if you're out there showing homes, come across any buyers that need help with a pre approval, I am always here for you to answer your questions. Once again, my name is RJ Baxter, Intercap Lending. Have a great weekend. Thanks a lot.
RJ Baxter
Intercap Lending
NMLS #395819